Monday, December 12, 2011

Why Saving Money is So Important Part1

Importance of Saving Money Part1

Saving Money
One of the key factors for your financial freedom is developing the habit of Saving. Saving sounds simple, but it's not always easy to do with the kind of life we are living. Unfortunately, majority of people start realizing importance of saving money when it is too late. Good Financial Planners realize every one need to save today's earnings for expenses they will have to face in the future.

Everyone might be hearing about Saving Money…. And you may
be surprised why is saving so important?.

It may be hard to imagine saving money, but take a look at how quickly putting aside just Rs.100 a week can add up:

Consider this one: setting aside just Rs.200 each week, can add up to over Rs. 50,000 in six years!

There are so many reasons to save; but the most significant reasons to save money are:

      1)      For Liquidity: Whenever you need cash urgently for some emergency purpose, you can use from your short-term savings like Bank Savings Account.
      2)     For Major Purchases: Purchases which you can’t afford with your regular income can be obtained through saving for it. The more money you save ahead of time for these types of expenses, the less you will pay in interest charges in the long run.
      3)     For Security: Accumulate at least 6-9 months income/salary as cash reserve for security purpose. In case suddenly you lose your job, with this saved money you can continue to make your minimum payments and avoid late payment fees and other penalty charges.
      4)     For Living your Dreams: Everyone has their own goals/hobbies/dreams like a big wedding, a trip around the world, luxurious car/home, Apple Smart Phone/Laptop etc., setting goals and working to achieve them is a mark of happy and successful people. Start Saving money from your own income to fulfill your dreams for having a better lifestyle. This way you will have a sense of achievement. You will take pride in your abilities and your self esteem will also get a boost.
      5)     To pay for Self / Children’s College Tuition: If you/children are considering a masters or doctorate degree, you will need to save quite a considerable amount of money.
6)     For a Down Payment for a New House or Car: It is better to save until you have down payment of at least 20% or more in hand. So that you will be having a good negotiation power. When you have bigger down payment amount, you will get better pricing/lower interest rate/reduced payment on mortgage.

The remaining importance of saving will be continued in the next post…


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